How does ‘no win no fee’ for Employment Claims work?


How will work on your Case be charged?

We are not always able to offer no win no fee. This will depend on a case review of your specific circumstances. This page provides information on our ‘no win no fee’ claimant agreements, under which we may agree to offer you our legal claims management services in the field of employment law.

How much will it cost?
Claimants keep 70% of their final award. Your fee will be 30% of the settled claim value. The value is as stated in the settlement agreement or Judgment following your Hearing. You will be charged a fee on the value of your claim if it is successful. Success means achieving a financial award, whether that is following the result at an Employment Tribunal hearing or at any time up to that stage of the claim, or after that stage, on appeal. Examples of this are provided further below.

What happens if your Claim does not succeed?
If your claim is unsuccessful (meaning you do not achieve a settlement and you do not win at Hearing), you will not owe money to us for the following;

You will not have to pay the 30% claim value fee to us (because you will not have won your Case)

You will not have to pay for the work we have undertaken on your claim.

Unsuccessful also means where we decide that we can no longer proceed with your claim due to new evidence or information coming to light, or case law developments or legislation changes, which means your claim now has a poor chance of success.

Unsuccessful does not mean where you have decided to withdraw your claim of your own volition (see below). Unsuccessful also does not mean where the case has been lost due to you withholding important information from us, or presenting a wholly misleading picture or account of your employment or other relevant circumstances, because this could result in a failure by us to present the case in the best way, or argue it upon suitable legal grounds.

What happens if you change your mind during your Claim?

If you Decide to Withdraw Your Claim of your own Volition, you could be charged for use of our services up to that time.

You have a fourteen-day period during which you may cancel your no win no fee agreement with us. If you decide at any point after that period to withdraw your claim of your own volition, cancel our instruction, or to withdraw cooperation with us in dealing with your claim, you will still owe Cora Employment Law the costs for us to manage your Case representation and deal with your claim and litigation up to that point.

We may be able to work on a ‘no win no fee’ arrangement, as we believe everyone, no matter what their financial situation, should have access to justice.  Because we are a professional legal services provider working diligently to prepare and litigate cases for our clients, we incur expenses in time, overheads and supports staff costs whilst doing so. If you choose to withdraw the claim or from the claim procedure of your own volition, then we reserve the right to charge for the time spent undertaking your claim up to the point when your claim ceased. This will involve an assessment of the number of hours spent working on your claim, multiplied by our standard charge per hour. Our current hourly charge is £95.00.  We will not alter the rate to you for our hourly charge during the course of your claim. You are not permitted to terminate the agreement after a settlement has been either provisionally or completely agreed, or within seven days before the start of the tribunal hearing.

For further information on our fees, or for any other questions you have, just use the contact us page to get in touch.

Cora Employment Law Claimant fee in the event of re-engagement by the employer.

Sometimes after a dismissal, Claimants do not want a settlement, but would instead prefer to try and obtain their job back again, or to obtain the job they applied for but were unfairly refused (due to discrimination, for example). For this reason, and in order to be able to offer these Clients access to justice, we provide the below funding arrangement which does not require lump sum payment.

We should first make you aware, that an offer of re-engagement by your former employer is rare. However, we have achieved this for clients previously where it was their preferred aim, and will seek to achieve this for you also if you indicate this outcome is what you are seeking.

Where you decide to accept an offer of re-engagement by the Respondent, your claimant agreement fee will be 30% of 8 months’ salary, wages, or other proportionately calculated amount equivalent to that figure. In order to help clients cover this cost, we permit payment of our fee by monthly instalments spread evenly over twelve months’ salary payments, commencing with your first month’s salary upon re-engagement, or by an equivalent payment calculation no less favourable to Cora Employment Law. If you are re-engaged and paid in a lump sum in advance for your work, your fee will be calculated as 30% of this payment, and will be due immediately on receipt by you of that sum from the respondent. This calculation is limited to a maximum re-engagement payment of the claimant agreement fee of 30% of 8 months’ salary, wages, or other proportionately calculated amount equivalent to that figure.

Examples of payment amounts, under these calculations.

Example A (£1,000 settlement)

Settlement: £1,000

Fee Charges @30%: £300

Total Fee to Pay: £300

Amount you receive: £700

Example B (£10,000 settlement)

Settlement: £10,000

Fee Charges @30%: £3,000

Total Fee to Pay: £3,000

Amount you receive: £7,000

Ask us for a specific quotation of your fee.

Cancellation of your claimant contract

Your Rights under the Consumer Rights Act 2015 (CRA).
Under Consumer Contracts law you have 14 days from entering into a service contract in which to cancel. If a service provider is asked to start providing the service before the 14 day cancellation period, you will still need to pay for the work undertaken which you have asked for before cancellation.