Free legal resources and templates
Everyone loves free stuff. With this in mind, we’ve compiled some free document resources to get you started. Please remember, these are not intended to replace specific advice for your situation. Some employment claims have very limited time scales within which to submit a claim. Use our contact page if you need some help with these templates.
Raise a Grievance using our standard Template form
Start by reading your employers grievance policy if they have one. This will provide guidance on how to approach entering your grievance.
Grievances should be handled in line with the ACAS code of practice on disciplinary and grievance procedures. This means employers must follow a full and fair procedure in line with the Acas Code for any discipline or grievance case. The procedure followed will be taken into account if the case reaches an employment tribunal.
Use this form here to set your grievance out.
Discrimination Grievance
Your employer will usually have a grievance policy. The first step is to read this, to give you the best foundation for setting out the issue you want to raise. The formal policy will provide guidance on how to approach entering your grievance.
Use this template form to set out your grievance on discriminatory treatment.
Request for Flexible Working / changes to your work pattern
Use this example Request for flexible working form letter / email to enter your flexible working request to your employer.
Use this flexible working request template form to make your flexible working request.
This is a template document and must be amended by you to suit your circumstances. You should add information at the areas of red text wording which need replacing.
For this reason, call us for advice on what to do in your specific situation.
The ACAS Code of Practice on disciplinary and grievance procedures
The Code is designed to help employers, employees and their representatives deal with disciplinary and grievance situations in the workplace.
Visit acas online to review the code of practice. A copy of the ACAS Code is available here.
Other sources of help and advice
Time Limits for Employment Claims
There are strict time limits involved in bringing your employment claim to an Employment Tribunal.
When considering using the different providers of free general advice or legal assistance, please be aware that you will need to ensure your Employment claim is properly submitted and meets the requirements for compliance in the Employment Tribunal, before the applicable legal timing deadline in your case.
If you’re worried about your Case running out of time, speak to us as soon as you can so we can advise you how much longer you have.
Cora Employment Law are great at Employment Law Claims, but sometimes it’s worth having a chat with another service to help guide you in the right direction. The other services which can provide you with Support and Guidance are set out here;
The employment resolution services provided by ACAS (the Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service) can try and help you reach agreement with your employer or former employer about your employment law complaint. They can provide impartial advice on good employment practice, and support you in finding solutions when relationships go wrong. Their website address is
However, ACAS cannot offer to make a claim on your behalf and they will not be able to prepare your claim for you or make representations to an employment tribunal. They will also not be able to advise you on the amount of compensation you should be seeking, or represent you in any employment tribunal hearing or preliminary hearing.
You should also consider whether you may be able to receive some general advice through other charitable organisations. If you are a member of a trade union you should contact them to see if they can meet with you to provide some advice.
Some matters are important enough to require professional advice straight away. If you want to speak to us for a free consultation, call us today.